Grow by Innovation.
We are Atende. Our business is grounded in innovation. 30 years ago we were the first to connect Polish companies to the Internet. We built the largest private cloud in this part of Europe and are responsible for the implementation of the largest Smart Grid system in Poland. For years we have been helping mobile operators lead the evolution of the telecommunications market. We support our clients in digital transformation, migration to the cloud and comprehensive management of IT services. We are paving the way for the development of Industry 5.0 and the Internet of Things.
Our solutions
Digital transformation
TStorage database developed by Atende Industries has been selected as an innovative project of strategic importance for the EU
The Commission has approved co-financing of several innovative projects of strategic importance for the EU as part of the IPCEI Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI CIS) mechanism. The programme, aimed at supporting the achievement of digital independence of the European Union from other world economies, will provide financing in the total amount of EUR 1.2 billion to 19 companies from 7 member states. The beneficiaries of the initiative include Deutsche Telekom, Orange, SAP, Siemens and Atende Industries from the Atende Group.
Atende merges with Codeshine, with focus on software and application development
Atende S.A. has announced its plans to merge with its subsidiary, Codeshine sp. z o.o. The purpose of the fusion is to optimize the structure and processes related to the development of software and advanced cloud applications. The development of the potential and offer in this area is one of the goals defined in the Atende Next strategy.
The Atende Group announces record results after three quarters
During the first three quarters of 2023, the Atende Group, with its leading company of Atende, delivered the best financial performance ever for such period, in terms of sales, operating profit, EBITDA, pre-tax and net profit. The solid performance was supported by good conditions in Atende’s most important sectors: mobile operators and power engineering.
We are here to help you become a digital transformation leader. Take advantage of the professional support we provide. Introduce innovation into everyday business and free the resources you need to grow your business.
We build clients' success with innovative IT solutions. In our opinion, the key to every successful project lies in an individual approach, combining highest quality solutions with the know how of our engineers.
Migration to the cloud
Reduction of electricity bills with reactive power compensation at the Ruda Śląska Town Hall
The reactive power compensation has made it possible to eliminate reactive power charges. The investment paid for itself after only 3 months
Ruda Śląska Town Hall
Reactive power compensation

Sessions in the
proprietary SMaCS system
Energy recipients
billed by our application
Gas customers
covered by
the SAP for Utilities billing system