Current Report No. 22/2013

Current Report No. 22/2013 — 03.06.2013 20:00

Execution of annexes to agreements with BRE Bank S.A.

The Management Board of Atende S.A. (the ′Company′) announces that on June 3rd, 2013, the Company received signed annexes dated May 31st, 2013 to the agreements with BRE Bank S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Senatorska 18, Corporate Branch in Warsaw, ul. Królewska 14 (the ′Bank′).

The annexes concern the following agreements: an agreement for an overdraft of June 14th, 2011, as amended, an agreement for a bank guarantee limit dated June 14th, 2011, as amended, and an agreement on limits for derivative transactions of June 30th, 2010, as amended. Total maximum limits specified in the annexed agreements amount to PLN 31 million.

The agreement of the highest value is the loan agreement No 02/269/11/Z/VV dated June 14th, 2011, annexed on May 23rd, 2012, information on which was provided by the Issuer in the Company’s Registration Document approved by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on April 16th, 2012. The signed annex extends the term of the loan agreement until May 30th, 2014. The subject of the loan agreement is an overdraft facility up to the amount of PLN 15 million, bearing interest at a variable WIBOR rate for O/N interbank loans, increased by the Bank margin. Funds under the granted overdraft limit will be used to finance the Company’s current operations. Repayment of the Company’s debts under the granted overdraft facility is secured by a contractual mortgage established for a property owned by the Company for PLN 22.5 million. The agreement in question does not provide for contractual penalties. Its other terms do not differ from those used by banks in this type of agreements.

The criterion for recognizing annexed agreements as significant is their total value exceeding 10% of the Issuer’s Capital Group sales revenue for the last four financial quarters.

Legal basis: Article 56 paragraph 1 item 2 of the Act on Public Offering — current and periodic information