Current Report No. 21/2012

Current Report No. 21/2012 — 15.06.2012 14:00

Notification of the acquisition of the Company shares by a managing person

The Management Board of ATM Systemy Informatyczne S.A. (the Company) hereby reports that on June 15th 2012, it received a notice from a Chairman of the Company’s Supervisory Board of the acquisition between June 12th 2012 and June 14th 2012 Company’s shares in total amount of 157,429.

Listing of transactions of purchase Company’s shares:

June 12th, 2012 purchase of 33,625 shares par  value of the shares: PLN 1.35

June 13th, 2012 purchase of 20,100 shares par  value of the shares: PLN 1.36

June 14th, 2012 purchase of 103,704 shares par  value of the shares: PLN 1.36

The transactions were carried out on the regulated market in a regular session transaction. The value of the transactions exceeded the PLN equivalent of EUR 5,000.

Legal basis: Article 160 paragraph 4 of the Act on Trading – information concerning transactions made by persons with access to confidential information