Current Report No. 12/2014

Current Report No. 12/2014 — 05.09.2014 21:00

Exceeding the 10% threshold of votes on the company’s AGM

The Management Board of Atende S.A. (′Company′) hereby reports that on September 4th, 2014, it was notified by ING Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw that due to share acquisitions on September 1st, 2014 ING Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny („Fund′) became holder of over 10% of the overall number of votes on the Company’s General Meeting.

Before the share increase referred to above, Fund held 3,615,469 of Company’s shares, i.e. 9.95% of the share capital. The shares gave right to 3,615,469 votes on the General Meeting, i.e. 9.95% of the total number of votes on the Company’s General Meeting.

On September 4th, 2014, Fund held 3,667,415 of Company’s shares, i.e. 10.09% of the share capital. The shares gave right to 3,667,415 votes on the General Meeting, i.e. 10.09% of the total number of votes on the Company’s General Meeting.

In the next 12 months the Fund may increase or decrease the number of shares depending on the market situation and the Company. The purpose of acquiring shares of the Company is to invest funds as part of the Fund's investment activities.

Legal basis: Article 70 item 1 of the Act on Public Offering – acquisition or disposal of a material block of shares