Member of Atende Supervisory Board with Polish Business Roundtable Award in memory of Jan Wejchert


The Polish Business Roundtable Awards in memory of Jan Wejchert were awarded yesterday. They are one of the most known and prestigious awards given to the most eminent figures of the Polish business and social activity sectors. Professor Jan Madey, long-standing member of Atende S.A. Supervisory Board, received a Special Award.

Professor Jan Madey is the author of the success of Polish IT specialists in numerous, prestigious IT contests around the world. He made the University of Warsaw the only university in the world among almost 2,500 of those participating to qualify, every single year since 1994, to the world finals of the most prestigious ACM ICPC university programming contest, organised continuously for thirty years now. Global championship was achieved by the team he trained twice (in 2003 in Beverly Hills and in 2007 in Tokyo) and vice-championship was achieved once (in 2012 in Warsaw). In the remaining years the University of Warsaw teams were among the top ten in the world.

Among others, Professor Jan Madey is the creator and member of the Central Committee of the Polish Olympiad in Informatics, member of the prestigious Association for Computing Machinery, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as well as the Polish Mathematical Society. He has also been a long-standing Chairman of the Polish Children’s Fund. Other functions held by the Professor include: Vice-President of the Central Council of Science and Higher Education, President of the European EUNIS organisation, Chairman of the Committee on Information Technology Education at the Ministry of Education, a member of the Polish Committee for UNESCO's Information for All Programme.