Hybrid cloud
in Polski Gaz TUW

Polish Gaz Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych is an insurance company operating under the PGNiG Group of Companies. It is a Captive Insurance company, that is an insurance company belonging to a single business entity and operating within a group of companies and its members.
IT support
ensuring full IT support for the claims-adjustment process
Data security
ensuring data security and meeting the requirements of UKNF Cloud Communication
implementation of the new system while maintaining simultaneous, undisturbed business operations
provision of a spare data centre in the event of failure and to ensure continuity of operation of systems and applications

Since the beginning of its activity, Polski Gaz TUW has provided property insurance for the needs of the PGNiG Group. It insures not only the assets related to the gas infrastructure but also other assets such as the car fleet. The start of the organisation's activities in six months was an ambitious task, especially in the insurance market, dominated by entities with many years of experience. The market is controlled by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF), which is responsible for its proper functioning, stability and security.
The achievement of such specific objectives required an approach typical for start-ups, only that operating under the regime of UKNF requirements. A short project implementation time, for a small team, meant the need to choose ready-made solutions of proven quality.
Atende Business Cloud services, which in the IaaS model, provide, upon request, a pool of flexible resources necessary for their operation, became the basis for deployment of all the systems of Polski Gaz TUW. Atende Business Cloud services not only enable efficient deployment of new systems, but also provide the necessary data security combined with the guarantee of business continuity for the Insurer. It is all based on the recommendations of UKNF, which sets out the requirements not only for supervised entities but also for service providers.
Thanks to this approach, Polski Gaz TUW was able to provide customers with a tool for managing the insurance of a fleet of more than 8 thousand vehicles in just six months. The deployment itself had a minimum impact on the Company's ongoing business activities. The UKNF recommendations also pointed to the need of establishing business continuity plans and building a Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC) in the event of a failure of the core infrastructure.
In order to ensure the continuity of all the organization's critical IT systems in the back-up data centre, Atende proposed to create a DRC using Microsoft Azure with Azure Site Recovery (ASR). This is a service that creates a core environment replica in Microsoft Azure, and Atende engineers manage the entire process of switching the traffic between the sites. The ASR provides a short DRC startup time, an attractive billing model and operational reliability. On a daily basis, the customer pays only for the disk space occupied by the back-up copies of the systems and for the ASR service itself. The entire environment is constantly monitored not only in terms of availability but also in terms of performance and security.
low cost and attractive billing model compared to traditional infrastructure
rapid start-up of the new organization
the ability to adapt the environment to the current needs
high level of data security
ensuring continuous operation of the systems
compliance with UKNF recommendations
Cloud solutions are an opportunity to develop the activities for small entities, just starting their operations as we did. Also in terms of costs incurred, because we don't have to spend money on building our own infrastructure and we can build on ready-made, standard solutions. We have chosen a model where in the first stage we decided to deploy the cloud system and Atende has been a partner to implement the project. Selecting Atende has allowed us to act quickly and efficiently.

Don’t hesitate to contact our consultant.