Atende to talk about energy storage
Together with its partner — Younicos, Atende will participate in the ′Energy storage facilities in the Polish Power System′ conference, which will take place in the head office of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne in Konstancin-Jeziorna on October 3rd, 2016. The conference is organised by the publisher of Smart Grid Polska. This will be the first joint appearance of Atende and Younicos.
Our presentation will focus on various business models for the services provided in electric grids on the basis of energy storage facilities in the context of experience gained by our partner, while implementing a number of similar projects.
The conference is intended for the energy sector, including: the transmission system operator, distribution system operators, electricity producers, academics, technology providers, public administration representatives (in particular the Ministry of Development, the Ministry of Energy and the Energy Regulatory Office [URE]).