Atende announces new strategy for 2016–2017
Use of proprietary, unique expertise, expansion to global markets and maintaining an attractive dividend policy are only some of the elements of Atende S.A.’s newly announced strategy.
At the beginning of March, Atende announced a new development strategy for the next two years. The Company plans to continue its development in the area of creation of new, innovative products and services, and also assumes expansion to foreign markets. Additionally, owing to its good financial position, the Company intends to actively seek to acquire new, promising companies. The strategy is to be implemented through offering innovative technical solutions, improved utilisation of competences held, intensified collaboration with subsidiaries and increased sales to selected market sectors, in particular to mobile telecommunications operators and content delivery platforms, institutions and companies in the defence sector, as well as to the energy and financial sectors.
- The strategy for 2014-2015 has been implemented. We have developed significantly, both organically and through acquisitions. All our investments have been financed from own resources. At the end of 2015, Atende became a quickly developing group of 8 companies, standing out from the crowd thanks to several advantages, such as development of proprietary products and services. The new strategy for 2016–2017 is a strategy of development, taking advantage of globally unique products, quick growth, taking new positions and, of course, entering global markets, said Roman Szwed, CEO of Atende S.A. We will also take care of our investors by paying high dividends, he added.
In the context of foreign expansion, it is worth noting that Atende is one of the few Polish companies to have taken part in Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, an international fair on mobile solutions in February 2016. The company presented their proprietary product: SMaCS – a PCRF (Policy and Charing Rules Function) type application for telecom operators to manage end user access to services and billing for these services. T-Mobile already uses this system in Poland.
For Atende, the coming year will be a time of challenges and adjustment to the constantly changing environment. The development of LTE networks, virtualisation, modern energy sector, big data or IT security are only a few of the trends we want to face up to.
We encourage you to read the full text of the Strategy:
Atende development Strategy for the years 2016-2017
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