Current Report No. 9/2018

Current Report No. 9/2018 — 10.09.2018 10:11

Adoption by the Management Board of a resolution to start the process of transferring the operating activity from Atende S.A. to a new company

The Management Board of Atende S.A. (′Company′) advises that on 10 September 2018, the Management Board of the Company adopted a resolution to start the process of transferring the operating activity from Atende S.A. to a new subsidiary (′Subsidiary′). The division of the Company will take place through the transfer of an organised part of the enterprise, related to the operating activity, to the Subsidiary, in accordance with Article 529 § 1(4) of the Commercial Companies Code. Tangible and intangible assets related to management functions for the Atende Capital Group will be retained at Atende S.A., along with shares and stocks in subsidiaries.

The main purpose of these activities is to set up the organisational structure and expedite the development of the Atende Group in the field of ICT systems integration. The reorganisation will create new opportunities for development within the Capital Group, consolidation of the market and raising capital, which in turn will translate into further strengthening of the market position of Atende S.A. in the ICT system integration segment.

The division of Atende S.A. will be carried out in accordance with the division plan to be prepared and agreed between the Company and the Subsidiary, and in accordance with the applicable provisions of generally applicable law and the provisions of internal regulations of both companies. The completion of the Company’s division procedure is scheduled for the first half of 2019. The final decision on the division will be made by the competent authorities of the Company and the Subsidiary.

Legal basis: Article 17 (1) of MAR (Market Abuse Regulation) – confidential information