Current Report No. 13/2014

Current Report No. 13/2014 — 20.11.2014 22:00

Information on changes in the shareholding structure of the Company

The Management Board of Atende S.A. (′Company′) hereby reports that on November 19th, 2014, it was notified by BZ WBK Asset Management S.A. with its registered office in Poznan (′BZ WBK AM′), that due to share sales on November 14th, 2014 clients of BZ WBK AM became holders of shares representing less than 5% of the overall number of votes on the Company’s General Meeting.

Before the share decrease referred to above, clients of BZ WBK AM whose accounts are covered by management agreements held 1,830,305 of Company’s shares, i.e. 5.04% of the share capital. The shares gave right to 1,830,305 votes on the General Meeting, i.e. 5.04% of the total number of votes on the Company’s General Meeting.

On November 14th, 2014, clients of BZ WBK AM whose accounts are covered by management agreements held 1,792,305 of Company’s shares, i.e. 4.93% of the share capital. The shares gave right to 1,792,305 votes on the General Meeting, i.e. 4.93% of the total number of votes on the Company’s General Meeting.

Legal basis: Article 70 item 1 of the Act on Public Offering – acquisition or disposal of a material block of shares